Bream, and sea-bream: these appear to be two different kinds of fish; the former, or carp-bream, as it is called(cyprinus of Linnæus, and abramis of later naturalists), is a fish which inhabits rivers and lakes, and in some districts is plentiful. The latter is the marine fish of that name(sparus of Linnæus, pagrus vulgaris of later writers), and is said to be taken frequently in the Mediterranean by anglers. The arms of Doxey are often, however, blazoned as "three hakes."

Azure, three breams bendwise, 2 and 1, or--DE LA MARE, Abbot of Peterborough.
Gules, three breams haurient argent--DE LA MARE, Fisherton, Wilts.
Vert, three sea-breams haurient or--DOXEY.
Azure, three breams or--BREAME, Essex.
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In what part of the shield is the roundel?