Bull, (fr. taureau): is rare in ancient rolls of arms, but in later times tolerably frequent; and we find also the ox (fr. bœuf), the cow(fr. vache), and the calf(fr. veau), all duly blazoned; the latter is distinguished in heraldry by the absence of the horns: the term buffalo(fr. buffle) is rarely used in English blazon for bull. The charge is often used associated with the name, as in the case of OXFORD, OXENDON, &c. A bull may be horned, hoofed, unguled, and armed of a different tincture; and it may be collared, and even belled(fr. clariné). Moile(drawn erroneously as mule) is really an ox without horns.

Bendy wavy argent and azure, an ox gules passing over a ford proper--City of OXFORD[according to some; according to others, Argent, an ox gules, armed and unguled or, passing a ford of water in base proper].
Ermine, a bull passant gules armed and unguled or--BEVILLE.
Argent, a chevron between three bulls passant sable--OXENDON.
Or, a bull passant sable collared and belled gold--HULL, Dorset(? temp. Hen. III.).
Argent, an ox passant gules, through reeds proper--RIDLEY.
Argent, a fess gules between three oxen sable--OXLEY, Yorkshire.
Ermine, a cow statant gules within a bordure sable, bezanty, a crescent for difference--CORVELL.
Argent, three cows passant sable, eyes gules, collared or--Benedictine Alien Priory at COWICK Devon.
Ermine, a calf passant gules--CAVELL, Cornwall.
Argent, a fess gules between three calves passant sable--CALVERLEY.
Argent, on a bend sable three calves passant or--VEAL.
Gules, a moile passant argent--MOILE, Cornwall.

Bulls' heads are perhaps more commonly found than the animal itself, generally erased, sometimes couped, rarely caboshed. Generally the horns are blazoned of a different tincture. It is not certain what is meant by the sea-bull's head blazoned below.
Argent, a bull's head erased sable--TURNBULL, Scotland.
Argent, a chevron gules between three bull's heads couped sable--BULLEINE[the same family as Anne BOLEYN, one of Henry the Eighth's Queens].
Argent, three bull's heads caboshed sable, armed or--WALROND.
Argent, three bull's heads erased sable, breathing fire proper--TRUMBULL, Berks.
Argent, three cow's heads erased sable--VACH or VEITCH.
A bull armed or is one of the supporters to the arms of DARCY, Westmeath.
Argent, a sea-bull's head couped sable--BULLOCK.
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