
Chapé: a partition of the shield used by French heralds, and found by two lines drawn from the centre of the upper edge of the shield, diverging towards the flanks, and leaving the field resembling somewhat a wide pile reversed; the tincture is applied to the two portions thus parted off.
Chaussé is similar to Chapé, but with the lines diverging from the base towards the two corners, and leaving the field resembling an expanded pile. The line may be curved, and the partition is then blazoned chaussé arrondi, &c.
De gueules, chapé d'argent--BOUTREN de Franqueville, Normandie.
Ecartelé d'argent, et de gueules, chapé de l'un en l'autre--DE MONTBAR, Bourgogne.
De gueules, chaussé d'hermines--DE BRESSY de Sablous, Normandie.
Chape: see sword.
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