Cubes, or Blocks: a somewhat indefinite term for squares appearing on a shield. So uncertain is the intention of the draughtsman, that sometimes the very same charges are blazoned as dice, delves, which are elsewhere blazoned as blocks, or gads.
Or, on a chevron gules between three cubes pean as many horse-shoes argent--WILLIAMS, co. Pembroke.
Azure, on a chevron engrailed three blocks or, each charged with a cross of the second--HOBSON, Harl. MS. A.D. 1404.
Azure, on three blocks(or billets, or delves, or dice), argent, an annulet to each sable--PAYNTER, Cornwall.
Argent, on three blocks(or billets, or delves, or dice) sable, a mullet to each of the first--AMBROSE, Lancaster.
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15th March 2025
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In what stance, or pose, is this lion?