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Leg, (fr. jambe): The legs of men are not unfrequently borne, but generally in armour. The knee is always embowed.

Three legs conjoined in the fesse points in armour proper, garnished and spurred or--Insignia of the ISLE OF MAN.

[The motto belonging to these insignia is QUOCUNQUE JECERIS STABIT.]

LE ROY DE MAN de goules a treys gambes armes o tutte le quisses et chekun cornere seyt un pee--From Harl. MS. 6589, temp. HEN. III.

Gules, a leg in pale, armed and couped at the thigh between two spears proper--GILBERT, Bp. of Llandaff, 1740; afterwards Bp. of Salisbury, 1748; Abp. of York, 1757-61; also GILBERT. Bp. of Chichester, 1842.

Gules, a fesse argent between a bow and arrow in full draught in chief, and three men's legs couped at the thighs in fesse paleways of the second--BIRNEY, Broomhill, Scotland.

Argent, a fesse between three legs couped at the ankle of the first fretty gules, the toes to the sinister side--TREMAYLL.

Legs of beasts and birds with the paw, foot, &c., are also borne as charges apart from the animal or bird itself: but the term most used is gambe, q.v. The fr. term à la quise, i.e. at the thigh, is also frequently found in connection with erased.

Argent, a black bear's dexter hind-leg erect couped at the thigh, shewing the bottom of the foot all proper--PLANTA, Sussex.

Argent, two lion's gambes in saltire azure--NERT, co. Worcester.

Gules, two lion's gambes couped under the knees, the claws endorsed or--BAREFOOT.

Sable, two lion's gambes bended issuing from the dexter and sinister sides meeting foot to foot in the chief point[or simply 'issuing from the sides of the escutcheon and meeting chevronwise'] argent between three annulets or--MARKEBY.

Gules, three eagle's legs a la quise or--BAND, co. Worcester.

Argent, three raven's legs erased sable meeting in the fesse point, talons gulee, extended in the three acute corners of the escutcheon--OWEN AP MADOC, Wales.

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