Panther, (fr. panthère): this beast is always borne gardant, and generally incensed, that is to say, with flames issuing from its mouth and ears, as in the case of the dexter supporter of the Earl of Pomfret. With the panther may be grouped the lynx(fr. loup cervier) and the ounce, both of which occur in several arms, the latter being found at an early date.
Or, on a fesse azure between three panthers passant proper a pansey of the first between two lilies argent--NORTHEY, Bocking, Essex.
Per fesse ermine and sable, in base a panther passant of the first, in chief two mascles of the second--DANIELL, Truro, Cornwall.
Azure, three panther's heads erased proper--SMITH.
Sire Johan de HAMME, de azur, a un chevron de or e iij demy lyns de or--Roll, temp. ED. II.
Sable, three lynxes passant gardant--LYNCH.
Argent, on a chevron azure between three lynx's erased sable as many crescents ermine--NICOLLS, Mershland, Norfolk.
Sable, three ounces statant in pale or, spotted of the first--Sir James BOURCHER, 1610.
Argent, on a bend sable three ounces passant or--WATONE.
Sable, on a fesse argent between three ounces[otherwise cat a-mountains] passant gardant or as many escallops gules--HILL, co. Berks.
Argent, on a pile azure three ounce's heads erased of the first--JOHNSON, Milton-Brian, co. Bedford.
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