Peacock, (fr. paon): a few families bear this bird in their arms. It is usually borne affronté, with the head turned towards the dexter and with the tail expanded, when the peacock is said to be in his pride. The pea-hen is also found.

Argent, three peacock in their pride proper--PAWNE.
Argent, three peacock in pride proper--MUNT; PAWNE, 1716; PEACOCK, Bridge End, Scotland.
Argent, on a fesse gules between three peacocks in their pride proper a castle of the first, inter two bezants--SMYTH, Dublin.
Argent, a fesse vair between three peacock's heads erased gules collared or--RIDGEWAY, co. Devon.
Argent, a Cross gules between four peacocks close proper--SMITH, Baron CARRINGTON, co. Warwick, 1643.
Sable, a bend between three peacock's heads and necks erased argent--GELOUER.
Quarterly argent azure, a cross quarterly ermines and gold between four peahens collared counterchanged--Edmund GRINDALL, Bp. of London, 1559; Abp. of York, 1570; Canterbury, 1576-83; granted 1559.
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