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Sejant, (fr. assis): this term when applied to beasts signifies that they are in a sitting position; but the position of a squirrel sejant differs from most others, from having the fore paws raised. A lion thus borne would be sejant rampant.


Argent, three conies sejant--STRODE, co. Somerset, 1716.

Argent, a chevron between three spaniels sejant gules--HOMLING.

Sable, a chevron sable between three lions sejant gardant azure--LYONS.

Or, a bear rampant sejant sable--BERNEK.

Gules, a lion sejant on a chair, and holding in the paws a battle-axe or--Fictitious arms assigned to ALEXANDER the Great.

Sejant affronté is applicable to a lion borne in full aspect. See the crest of Scotland.

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