
Triangle, (fr. triangle): is simply a charge in the shape of the mathematical figure so called.
Sable, on a triangle voided argent, twelve torteaux--SHONE.
Argent, two triangles voided and interlaced sable; in the centre a heart gules--VILLAGES.
D'azur, a trois triangles d'or posés 2 et 1--CIPRIANIS, Provence.
De gueules, à deux triangles d'or entrelacés l'un dans l'autre en forme d'étoile--BONCHAMPS, Poitou.
Charges may be described as fretted in triangle, e.g. in the arms of TROUTBECK(under Salmon), or nowed in triangle, as in those of BRADWEN under Serpent. The insignia of the Isle of MAN are sometimes blazoned as flexed in triangle(see under Leg; also Arm). The term has also been awkwardly applied by some writers to cases where charges are borne transposed(as is very rarely the case), i.e. one(in chief) and two(in base).
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