Trumpet: this musical instrument is found not unfrequently in the older rolls of arms, and has several shapes, but that annexed is the most common; sometimes it is drawn flexed, taking the shape of the letter S. The trumpet in the insignia of the Benedictine Abbey of ATHELNEY is shaped like a cow's horn.

Sire Giles de TROMPINTONE, de azure crusule de or a ij trompes de or--Roll, temp. ED. II.
Monsire de TRUMPENTON, port d'asure a deux trumpes d'or[et] croisèle or--Roll, temp. ED. III.
Azure, two trumpets in pile between twelve crosses crosslet or--TRUMPINGTON. [From the ancient brass to Roger Trumpington. ob. 1289, in Trumpington Church, Cambridgeshire.]
Sire James de NEYVILE, de goules, crusule de or ij trompes de or--Roll, temp. ED. II.
Monsire James de NEVILL, port gules a deux trumpes d'or[et] croisele or--Roll, temp. ED. III.
Argent, a chevron engrailed between three trumpets barwise sable--THUNDER, Ireland, 1619.
Or, a cock mounted on a trumpet sable--HODDING.
Azure, semy of trefoils two trumpets in pale or garnished gules--WADRIEPONT.

With the trumpet may be classed the Hautboy, a form of which is represented as in the margin, and appears to be chosen in the first instance for a play on the same(i.e. the fr. bourdon).
Azure, three hautboys, wide ends downwards, two and one, between as many crosses crosslet or--BOURDEN.
Gules, two hautboys in saltire between four crosses crosslet or--NEVELL, Sussex.
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