Weasel, (fr. belette): besides the common weasel(mustela vulgaris) the marten(mustela martes; fr. martre), as well as the variety with the white throat, the foine(mustela foina; fr. fouine) are found in blazon; and more important than all, the ermine, q.v. (mustela erminea; fr. hermine), which has supplied the most common of the furs used in heraldry.
Argent, a fesse gules; in the dexter chief point a weasel passant proper--BELET.
Gules, three weasels courant argent--SCHOPPIN.
Sable, a chevron ermine between three weasels passant argent--BYRTWYSELL, Amcote Hall, co. Lancaster.
Argent, a foine[? marten] sable, on a chief indented gules three escallops or--MARTEN, Sussex.
Or, on a chief vert an ermine passant proper--WATSON, Newport, Salop.
De gueules, à une hermine au naturel, passante, accolée d'un manteau d'hermine, doublé de toile d'or voletant--Ville de VANNES, Bretagne.
De gueules, à une grille d'or, supportant une hermine passante d'argent--Ville de S.MALO.
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13th March 2025
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