
Pheon, or Pheon head, written also feon: the head of a dart, barbed, and engrailed on the inner side; the broad arrow being in this respect plain. Its position is with the point downward, unless otherwise blazoned. The French synonym is perhaps fer de fleche, but fer de lance, fer de javelot, and fer de hallebarde are also similar.
Pheons are occasionally borne shafted and feathered.
Or, a pheon azure--SYDNEY, Earl of Leicester.
Azure, a pheon argent, a bordure or, entoyre of torteaux--SHARP, Abp. of York, 1691-1714.
Argent, three escutcheons sable, on each a pheon or--PARKER.
Or, three escutcheons sable, on each a broad arrow-head[pheon] of the field--Henry PARKER, Fryth Hall, Essex[granted Feb. 21, 1537].
Sable, three pheons, their outer edges engrailed argent--LOTHAM.
Argent, a bend vair between three escutcheons sable, each charged with a pheon of the field; a bordure engrailed gules bezanty--BRIGGS, Halifax.
Sable, a pheon inverted argent; a canton or--JACKSON.
Sable, two pheons in saltire argent--PEARLE.
Sable, three pheons shafted rompu argent--NICOLLS, Middlesex.
Argent, nine pheons meeting in point, six in chief and three in base, sable--JOHNSON, co. Chester.
The term pheoned is also used of arrows to describe the tincture of the heads.
Azure, on a chevron gules between in chief two sheaves each of six arrows interlaced saltirewise of the second flighted and pheoned argent, and in base a bow stringed fesswise of the last, three bezants--SHOTTER, Farnham, Surrey.
Azure, a chevron between three sheaves of five arrows or, flighted and pheoned argent, pointed and banded gules--BRICKDALE, co. Somerset.
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