
Side: a portion of the shield, not more than one sixth of its breadth, cut off by a perpendicular line. Theoretically it may be dexter or sinister; but it seems not no be adopted by any English family, though it appears in the arms of a German family resident here. In one MS., too, a quartering bearing a side is introduced into the arms of Bp. Edward FOX.
Argent, on a mount vert, three pine-trees proper, a side dexter or--GROTE, Kent.
Argent, on a bend sable, three dolphins embowed bendwise naiant or--Edward FOX, Bp. of Hereford, 1535-8. Quartering, argent, a plain inescutcheon and a side dexter indented sable--Cotton MS., Tiberius D. 10, fol. 865.
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16th March 2025
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what term is used for differing claw or horn tincture on a beast of prey or chase?