In. Added to the Ordinary, is used to express the position of charges when they occupy that position of the shield assigned to the ordinary ; e.g. Five Roses in saltire; P. 20, f. 39. In Pale; P. 14, f. 26. In Bend; P. 17, f. 45. Three lozenges in Fesse ; P. 3, f. 40. Two combs in Fesse; P. 4, f. 31. In Orle eight estoiles; P. 5, f. 30. Five lozenges in Cross ; P. 8, f . 4. In Chief three estoiles ; P. 12. f. 3. etc, Observe it is correct to use the following terms instead of " In," viz : Bendways, Palcways, Fesse, or Barways, Chevcronways, Saltireways.
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