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Index of Names

O'Cahane (link to entry)Oxford, St.John's Peirson (link to entry)
O'Callaghan (link to entry) College (link to entry)Pelham (link to entry)
Ochterlony (link to entry)-- Magdelen College *(link to entry)Pelissier (link to entry)
O'Davoren (link to entry)-- Pembroke College (link to entry)Pellew bis (link to entry)
Odingseles (link to entry)-- University of *(link to entry)Pelton (link to entry)
O'Donoval (link to entry)Oxley (link to entry)Pemberton (link to entry)
O'Drone (link to entry) Pembroke(Pembroc),
Ogill (link to entry) earl of bis *(link to entry), (link to entry)
Ogilvie (link to entry), (link to entry), (link to entry) Pembruge (link to entry)
O'Hagan (link to entry)Pace, Bp. (link to entry)Penereche (link to entry)
O'Halie (link to entry)Packwood (link to entry)Penuston *(link to entry)
O'Hara (link to entry)Paddon (link to entry)Penfold (link to entry), (link to entry)
Ohenloyne (link to entry)Pagenham (link to entry)Penkerch (link to entry)
O'Kennedy (link to entry)Palgrave *(link to entry)Penkeridge (link to entry)
Okstede (link to entry)Palmer (link to entry), bis (link to entry), (link to entry)Pennington *(link to entry)
Oldcastle (link to entry)Parincheff (link to entry)Pentney, Priory (link to entry)
Oldham, Bp. (link to entry)Paris (link to entry)Penwalis (link to entry)
Oldmixon (link to entry)-- Ville de (link to entry)Penzret (link to entry), (link to entry)
O'Learie (link to entry)Parish Clerks' Cmpy. (link to entry)Pepys, Bp. *(link to entry)
Olier-Nointel (link to entry)Parker (link to entry), (link to entry), (link to entry)Perci, Henri de (link to entry)
Olinius (link to entry) bis *(link to entry), Abp. (link to entry)Percival *(link to entry)
Olivier (link to entry)Parry (link to entry)Percy (link to entry), *(link to entry)
O'Malley (link to entry)Parsons (link to entry)Periond (link to entry)
O'Murchoe (link to entry)Partrick (link to entry)Periton (link to entry)
Onslow (link to entry)Partridge (link to entry)Perot *(link to entry)
Oppin (link to entry)Pashley (link to entry)Perrot (link to entry)
Oradour (link to entry)Paskin (link to entry)Perse (link to entry)
Orcival (link to entry)Pasquier (link to entry)Pershore, Abbey (link to entry)
Orford, Bp. (link to entry), (link to entry)Passerat de Silans (link to entry)Pery (link to entry)
Orkney, See of (link to entry)Patch (link to entry)Peshall (link to entry)
Orleans (link to entry)Paterson (link to entry)Peterborough, See (link to entry)
Orlebar (link to entry)Patrick. Bp. *(link to entry)Petit *(link to entry)
Orleton, Bp. (link to entry)Patten *(link to entry)Petoe *(link to entry)
Ormesby (link to entry)Patten-makers' Cmpy. (link to entry)Petre(e) (link to entry), (link to entry)
Ory (link to entry)Pau (link to entry)Pettet (link to entry)
Osborne *(link to entry), (link to entry)Paul (link to entry)Petty *(link to entry)
O'Sinan (link to entry)Paulmier (link to entry)Petytt (link to entry)
Osney (link to entry)Paulsworth (link to entry)Pevensey (link to entry)
Oswald (link to entry)Pauncefoot (link to entry)Pewterers' Company (link to entry)
Otley, Bp. (link to entry)Paunerton (link to entry)Peyton (link to entry)
Otterbury (link to entry)Paveley (link to entry), (link to entry)Peyver (link to entry)
Ottley (link to entry)Paviours' Company (link to entry)Pheopowe (link to entry)
Oulry (link to entry)Pavyot (link to entry)Philibert, St. (link to entry)
Our Lady's Inn *(link to entry)Pawne bis *(link to entry)Philips *(link to entry)
Ousflet (link to entry)Payler *(link to entry)Phillip (link to entry)
Overton (link to entry)Paynel (link to entry)Physicians, College of
Ovington (link to entry)Paynter (link to entry), (link to entry) (link to entry), (link to entry)
Owain (link to entry), (link to entry)Payzant (link to entry)Picard (link to entry)
Owen (link to entry), (link to entry), (link to entry)Peacock (link to entry)Picke (link to entry)
Abp. (link to entry)Pearce (link to entry), Bp. (link to entry)Pickering (link to entry), (link to entry)
Oxendon (link to entry)Pearle (link to entry), (link to entry)Pickford (link to entry)
Oxford, See of (link to entry), (link to entry)Pearson (link to entry)Pickwick (link to entry)
-- Bp. of (link to entry)Peche (link to entry)Pickworth (link to entry), (link to entry), (link to entry)
-- City of *(link to entry)Peckham (link to entry), (link to entry)Pierpoint (link to entry)
-- Earl of (link to entry), tris (link to entry) Abp. *(link to entry)Pierpount (link to entry), (link to entry)
-- Balliol College *(link to entry)Pede (link to entry)Pierse, Bp. (link to entry)
-- Christ Church *(link to entry)Peer (link to entry)Pigott (link to entry), (link to entry)
-- Exeter College (link to entry)Pegge (link to entry)Pigotts (link to entry)
-- St.Frideswide, Pegrez (link to entry)Pike (link to entry), (link to entry)
Priory (link to entry)Peirce (link to entry)Piketon (link to entry)

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