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Index of Names

Pikeworth (link to entry)Pouges (link to entry)Radell (link to entry)
Pilgrim (link to entry)Poulterers' Cmpy. (link to entry)Radford (link to entry), (link to entry)
Pilkington (link to entry), Bp. (link to entry)Poultney (link to entry)Raffles (link to entry)
Pilland (link to entry)Pount (link to entry)Ragon (link to entry)
Pilsworth (link to entry)Pountney (link to entry)Rainwell (link to entry)
Pinchbeck (link to entry)Power (link to entry), (link to entry)Raleigh (link to entry), (link to entry), Bp. (link to entry)
Pinford (link to entry), (link to entry)Powis *(link to entry)Ralston (link to entry)
Pinmakers' Company (link to entry)Pownall (link to entry), (link to entry), (link to entry)Rambouillet (link to entry)
Piozzi (link to entry)Pownse (link to entry)Rampsuile (link to entry)
Pipart (link to entry)Poyner (link to entry)Ramsey, Abbey (link to entry)
Pipe (link to entry)Poynet, Bp. (link to entry)Ranken (link to entry)
Piper (link to entry)Poynter *(link to entry)Ranson (link to entry)
Pisage (link to entry)Poyters (link to entry)Raphael (link to entry)
Pister (link to entry)Praed (link to entry)Rapouel (link to entry)
Pistor *(link to entry)Prayers (link to entry), (link to entry)Rauff (link to entry)
Pitchard (link to entry)Preede (link to entry)Raul (link to entry)
Pitfield (link to entry)Preener *(link to entry)Raunston (link to entry)
Pitman (link to entry)Prelate *(link to entry)Raven (link to entry), (link to entry)
Place (link to entry)Prenne (link to entry)Rawson (link to entry), (link to entry), (link to entry)
Plaice (link to entry)Prerley (link to entry)Raynon (link to entry)
Plance (link to entry)Prescott *(link to entry)Read(e) (link to entry),(link to entry),(link to entry),*(link to entry)
Planta (link to entry)Preston, Town (link to entry), (link to entry) (link to entry), bis (link to entry)
Plantagenet (link to entry),(link to entry),*(link to entry)Price (link to entry)Reading, Abbey (link to entry)
Plasterers' Company Prichet, Bp. (link to entry)Rebow (link to entry)
(link to entry), (link to entry)Primrose 4 times (link to entry)Redcomyn (link to entry)
Plater (link to entry)Proby (link to entry)Rede (link to entry)
Platt Proctor (link to entry), *(link to entry)Redham (link to entry)
Player (link to entry)Prospect (link to entry)Redman(main) bis (link to entry)
Plecy (link to entry)Prosser (link to entry) Bp. bis (link to entry)
Plescy (link to entry)Proude (link to entry), (link to entry), *(link to entry)Redmayne (link to entry)
Plessis (link to entry)Pryce *(link to entry)Rednesse (link to entry)
Plimpton, Monastery (link to entry)Puisaye (link to entry)Refuge (link to entry)
Plokenot (link to entry)Puison (link to entry)Reginald, Earl of
Plompton (link to entry)Pujolas (link to entry) Cornwall *(link to entry)
Plott (link to entry)Purefoy (link to entry),tris (link to entry),(link to entry)Reignold (link to entry)
Pluet (link to entry)Purser (link to entry)Reinstein (link to entry)
Plumbers' Company (link to entry)Purvis *(link to entry)Rendacy (link to entry)
Pocock (link to entry)Put (link to entry)Rendell (link to entry)
Poillot (link to entry)Putland (link to entry)Renny (link to entry)
Poissonniere (link to entry)Pybus (link to entry)Repingdon, Bp.(Seal) (link to entry)
Pol (link to entry)Pyke (link to entry), (link to entry), (link to entry)Repley (link to entry)
Pomfret (link to entry)Pyne (link to entry)Resoun (link to entry)
Ponsonby (link to entry)Pynell (link to entry)Restwold (link to entry)
Pont (link to entry)Pypard (link to entry), (link to entry)Retowre (link to entry)
Pontefract (link to entry)Pype (link to entry)Revers (link to entry)
Pontissara, Bp. (link to entry) Revett (link to entry)
Poole (link to entry), (link to entry) Reynall(ell) (link to entry), *(link to entry)
Popeller (link to entry)Quaile (link to entry)Reynolds (link to entry), (link to entry)
Popler (link to entry)Quarles (link to entry) Abp. *(link to entry)
Portal (link to entry)Quarm (link to entry)Rhodes (link to entry)
Porteous (link to entry)Quatermain(an) (link to entry), *(link to entry)Rhys (link to entry)
Porter (link to entry), (link to entry), (link to entry), (link to entry)Quatremayne (link to entry)RICHARD I. *(link to entry)
(link to entry), (link to entry)Queenborough, Town Richard de Ely, Bp. (link to entry)
Portnowe (link to entry) (link to entry), (link to entry)Richard, King of the
Port-pigham, Seal (link to entry)Queensferry, Burgh (link to entry) Romans *(link to entry)
Portrea (link to entry)Quincy (link to entry), (link to entry)Richards (link to entry), (link to entry)
Portugal (link to entry) Richradson (link to entry), (link to entry)
Potter bis (link to entry), Bp. (link to entry) Richemund (link to entry)
Pottinger (link to entry)Radcliffe (link to entry), (link to entry), *(link to entry)Richer (link to entry)
Pottock (link to entry) (link to entry)Richmond (link to entry), (link to entry), *(link to entry)

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